
Jumaat, 7 Mac 2008

Apa ertinya

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you spend time to attend your usrah?

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you spend time to meet your mad'u?

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you take the time to pray in jamaah?

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you travel far to meet up with good peoples?

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you sacrifice your time to help other people for the sake of Allah?

If you have homeworks, yang bertimbun!, would you spare your time to attend an islamic programme?

For ordinary people, the answer would most likely be NO! -fullstop-
and other excuses would be:
studies come first
those other stuffs can be done later
what, are you crazy??
kita diamanahkan untuk excel dalam study
kita tengah pakai duit rakyat
and the list goes on and on....ryte? Or am i wrong?

But then, for someone who believes in Allah, believes in his Power, believes in Qada' and Qadar, believes in Him having control over everything, believes in His promise that He would help those who helps His religion...believe fully in Him without even a teeny weeny bit of doubt in Him..

then their answer would be: sure, no problem!=)
anytime, mate!
for Allah, i'd do anything!
and anything else you can think of...

and being a dai'e, being someone who is working on His path, being someone who wants to save the ummah, the second set of answers are what we would like to say..

but is it really that simple?
Frankly speaking-NO!

it isn't that simple, especially when you are haunted with homeworks, yang bertimbun! and the due date is tomorrow morning, and you still haven't started on anything yet, and you know that you'd be lost in class tomorrow if you don't finish up your reading and all the 1001 frightful things that you have in mind..Sometimes, because of all these, homework yang seciput pun terasa amat banyak

When we are in such situation, our mind tend to be so mixed up, we feel so 'kelam-kabut' and 'cuak' and 'gelabah' and 'takut tak sempat siap' and moody and angry and don't want to 'layan' anyone and pelbagai lagi konflik dalam diri..and when we are attacked by these feelings, we tend to forget another reality..

we tend to forget that Allah has power over everything. we tend to forget that Allah is the one that determines the end result. we tend to forget His promises. we tend to forget our real mission in life. we tend to forget that He has done a lot more things for us, so why not sacrifice a bit for Him?

Sungguh manusia itu mudah lupa..

But, andainya we can pull ourselves together, calm ourselves down, try to think wisely and rasionally, insya-Allah..we can do it!

The most important thing is, to remind yourselves:
# Allah controls everything. He has the power over everything.
# Kalau Allah dah tentukan saya akan siap kerja ni, pasti akan siap juga!
# Kalau aku tak sempat hidup sampai esok, amal manakah yang dapat dibawa bersama? Homework atau amal dakwah?
# Yakin dengan Allah!! Yakin dengan Allah!! Yakin dengan Allah!!
# Dah banyak nikmat yang Allah bagi kat aku, apalah salahnya aku berkorban sikit..
# Yakin, dan jangan ragu-ragu! Yakin, dan jangan ragu-ragu! Yakin dan jangan ragu-ragu!
# Doalah pada Allah, mengadulah pada Allah..Dia pasti mendengarNya..
# Andainya ini peluang hidayah terakhir buatku, sanggupkah aku melepaskannya??
# Siapa dapat jamin kalau aku duk rumah seharian dan stay up semalaman aku akan dapat siapkan? Bukankah Allah yang menentukan segalaNya??
anyone wants to add on more??

(and when you finally decide to do those other stuffs despite homework yang betimbun, dont ever think about your homework, how should you answer it, would you be able to finish it etc etc...kerja is kerja..homework is homework..jangan main tarik tali dengan Allah..-sila rujuk artikel jongkang jongket from my previous posts)

And suprisingly, when you finally manage to get yourself to give one of the second set answers (dengan sepenuh keyakinan dan tawakal kepadaNya),
tetiba rasa senang nya sangat-sangat homework ni..
eh, dah siap dah...lar..takde la banyak mana pun..
Alhamdulillah, faham juga akhirnya aku akan topik ini..
Laa..tarikh submit ditunda la..alhamdulillah..
Oh, kerja ni tak der markah rupanya..
Haa??? Klas cancel??
or, best lagi, after submitting those homeworks or should i say...assignments?
Hah? I got full marks??? Alhamdulillah..
Highest dalam klas??
22/20??? (sumber:orang-orang terdahulu)
Nak print buat rujukan semua orang?
HIgh Distinctions?? alhamdulillah..
and all those other nice things we always dream of..

dan pada ketika itulah, kita akan terasa sia-sia nyeer la aku risau selama ni..
Kenapalah aku tak yakin dari awal..
takper, lepas ni, aku akan sentiasa yakin dengan janji Allah...insya-Allah..
dan, make sure lain kali tak buat kerja last minite ok?

Sungguh, tidak rugi kita berada di atas jalan ini...
dan kerja apakah yang lebih baik daripada menyeru orang kepada Allah??

Maka, bertawakallah kepadaNya..
<dan Dia memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangkanya. Dan barangsiapa bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluan)nya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusanNya. Sungguh, Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi setiap sesuatu> 65:3

dan inilah ertinya

Letakkan dunia di hati, akhirat akan berlari pergi
Letakkan akhirat di hati, dunia akan menyusuli

p/s: sila baca aritkel jongkang-jongket from one of my previous post.

6 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

alhamdulillah...terima kasih kamu.. =)


HbO berkata...

moga ianya telah membawa manfaat..

awak..rindu pada kamu semua...

biler first reunion kita yer??

muna khaider berkata...



HbO berkata...


sayang kamu juga..=)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

hanan.. jzkk.. salam ukhuwah dari adelaide :)


HbO berkata...

waiyakki balqis..

sampaikan salam pada akhawat adelaide..

salam ukhuwah dari melbourne..;)

bila nak datang cni??